KONKUK MBA offers leading MBA programs designed for educating business management specialists with global, professional standards sought after in the global era. In particular, KU MBA provides career business persons or non-business persons with practical management-based curriculum focusing on core values of the school such as global mindset cultivation, upgraded practical problem-solving ability, higher leadership and communication skills, and management ethics education, which should qualify them to be the executives and the CEOs with professional management knowledge and competitive edge in businesses and public organizations.
At the completion of the MBA program, the graduates should be able to:
- Apply an understanding of global business environments and their implications for business to addressing complex management issues with a global perspective.
- Demonstrate an ability to solve complex, practical business problems through various analytical methods for effective and efficient decision-making.
- Demonstrate an ability to communicate ideas and solutions effectively, both orally and in writing.
- Understand the importance of academic and professional integrity and carry out work with honesty, respect, and responsibility.
- Understand the basic business functions and the integration of business functions for effective and efficient management.

To attain those education objectives, KU MBA seeks for differentiation strategy including globally-networked, practice focused, school-industry cooperated and leaning organization focused educations.
Globally-networked education | Including Stanford Advanced Project Management in the curriculum Cooperating with Mr. Miller,emeritus professor of Stanford University for developing curriculum. Aggressively utilizing networks with cooperating colleges in China, Japan, and Taiwan. Actively pursuing cooperation with overseas sister colleges for exchange students and dual degree etc. |
Practice focused education | Learning with curriculum focusing on case studies and assignments. Education designed for practical creation in new products, business models, and case study development |
School-industry cooperated education | Joint development of curriculum in cooperation with the businesses and public organizations with MOU exchanged. On-the-job assignment study and internship cooperation; customized workforce program for businesses and public organizations |
Leaning organization focused education | Case study and assignment-oriented learning activities via study team formation and utilization enhancing team work, communication, and leadership abilities via study team activities |